From history Professor to co-starring on Hawaii 5-0 to becoming Hawaii's second favorite lounge singer (with Don Ho holding down the top spot) Al Harrington has had quite a career.
2014 Trip - Day 14 - October 16
*No breakfast today, as we got ready and went straight to the Friends of
The Jefferson Public Library. It was being held a The Pontchartrain Center
in ...
Carolina Ghost Towns – Shelton, SC
A new episode of Carolina Ghost Towns has dropped. This one is about the
lost town of Shelton on the banks of the Broad River in Fairfield County,
South Ca...
Dark August (1976) Let There Be Light(ning Bug)
Dear Lair Readers,
As the venerated band Staind once intoned, “It’s Been Awhile.”, and it has.
April was the last time you saw me kicking around The Lair, ...
Put on a Smiley Face
Sometimes you need to smile. I see something every day that encourages a
smile to peek through, as hard as it may be. The thing I see is my Smiley
Face dri...